World's Fastest & Powerful Electric Surfboard Makes a Splash Surfing

 World's Fastest Electric Surfboard Makes a Splash

Tianyun Geek manufacturing and design company recently announced retail availability of the Jetfly JF02, the world's fastest electric surfboard.

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The Jetfly surfboard works like a small-scale, battery-powered Jet-Ski, delivering thrust by shooting water through rear-facing nozzle in the board's tail. You steer by way of a twist-bar throttle when standing, or with handles on the sides when lying down or kneeboarding. 

The lightweight, carbon fiber board houses a  electric drive  motor powered by a 72-volt, lithium-ion battery. At full charge, the board can deliver speeds of up to 60kmh with a battery duration of 45 to 60minutes. The Jetfly's top speed makes it the fastest e-surfboard currently on the market.

The board comes equipped with an emergency stop mechanism should you fall off - the leg-leash attachment cuts off engine power instantly if you take a tumble. The boards can recharge off any standard 230-volt outlet in about 3.5 hours.


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