
Showing posts from June 24, 2022

Why Go Electric Surfboard?

 Why Go Electric Surfboard?  Electric motors are quieter than petrol/gas powered engines  Lakes in many parts of the world have already banned petrol/gas powered watercraft due to their noise, air and water pollution  Rechargeable batteries are more environmentally friendly than petrol/gas  Rechargeable batteries are cleaner with lower odour than petrol/gas  Rechargeable batteries are easy to swap over, recharge, and offer low 'refuelling' costs  Electric motors are smaller than petrol/gas engines, meaning the watercraft can be smaller and lighter, too  Smaller, lighter watercraft means easy storage, easy loading, easy transport and easy unloading  Smaller, lighter watercraft also negates the need for a boat ramp, meaning you can launch from anywhere you can walk into the water!  Electric watercraft are more likely to be able to incorporate software and battery upgrades in the future - we've already seen this with most of the brands we o...


  JetFly电动冲浪板——深圳天云极客科技有限公司 冲浪颇受年轻群体的欢迎,但对于玩家的技巧与身体素质要求较高。电动冲浪板打破了“大神”与“菜鸟”间的技术壁垒,其优越扭矩和更高水推力等优越特性,让玩家更专注于冲浪本身,无需忧虑浪高、风速与体能问题,也能在没有海浪的情况下享受冲浪的乐趣。 在2022上海国际水上运动展现场,将有诸多业内顶尖企业,带来让水上运动更好玩、更刺激同时也更安全的电动冲浪板“黑科技” 电动冲浪板能让冲浪小白轻松上手,绿色能源对环境友好。来自深圳天云极客科技有限公司的JetFly电动冲浪板,让你在水上玩出“超跑速度”。 从外观来看,JetFly电动冲浪板由高品质碳纤维一体成型,板体拥有SGS16949认证,耐用、安全、美观;板身为柔软EVA材质。三档无线遥控手柄包含新手练习模式,多样化操作模式适用于多种人群,可采用拉绳或无线操控。 奢华外观下,有着澎湃的“芯”——JetFly的高性能泵喷式推进器有着优秀的水动力设计,采用高耐磨石墨烯二次密封,使用寿命提高两倍,最高速度可达70km/h。 JetFly的高容量电池系统拥有多重保护,大容量5千瓦/时的电芯使续航时间超过65min,并有远超过2000次的充放电循环。5秒即可完成电池的快速装卸,无论是自用还是用于运营租赁都快捷方便。独特的磁控主电源开关安全可靠,断电迅速。 JetFly具有多项专利发明,包括国际知识产权局PCT专利。产品通过EMTEX、CE、FCC、MDSD安全认证,以杰出稳定性和强劲动力,获得全球客户好评。 成立于2019年深圳天云极客科技有限公司专注于水陆极客产品的创新、研发及生产,产品包括水上户外装备、电动冲浪板、潜水装备、游泳装备、救生器械、水上摩托车、电动自行车等。公司拥有强大的博士研发团队,已获大量研发专利,并拥有国际知识产权局PCT,意在打造新消费世界级企业,下辖深圳天云海岸科技有限公司等多家子公司。


JETFLY JETBOARD  RESELLERS PARTNER PROGRAM Become an surfboard reseller and/or Jetboard test center. You like water sports? You share our passion for the Jetboards? Become a Jetboard  partner and have a lot fun while earning money. Note: We can offer these partner programs worldwide. We are offering two partner programs:  HOW TO BECOME A PARTNER If you have already a water sports shop you may want to add the e-Surfboards to your portfolio. The   electric Jet-Boards  is an eye-catcher for each store and gets a lot of attention through social media and in real live. Join our JETFLY family as an e-Surfboard partner. You don’t have a store but a cool location like a lake, river or the sea close to you where you want to establish a Jetboard rental or board surfing club? Or you enjoy teaching people how to Jetboarding and want to earn some money with the lessons and the sales you generate? In this case the partner program might be also the right opportunity for y...

JETFLY electric surf jetboard-The best jet boards available in 2022
