
Showing posts from May 16, 2022


怎么选择适合的冲浪板尾鳍(Fins) 你的冲浪板的舵座(Fin Box)是什么类型的? 这好像是最基础的问题,但至少能帮你排除一半错误选项 : 2. 你的体重范围是多少? 和冲浪板一样,尾鳍也要和使用者的体重匹配。 常规的尾鳍尺寸表范围从XS到L或XL。 根据厂家提供的尺寸体重对照表,你又可以基本排除75%的错误选项。敲黑板:如果你的体重正好卡在两个尺寸的边缘,有一些转向力度大的浪人会选两者偏大的那个尺寸,转弯力量和速度没有那么大的会选择两者偏小的尺寸。另外小号尾鳍更适合尾部较窄的冲浪板,因为这类板的速度比较快,反之宽尾部的板往往配大号尾鳍。 FCS和Futures的尺寸表见文末 。 3. 你冲什么样的浪? 就像冲浪板为不同的浪而设计,尾鳍也是一样。一般来说,更垂直的leading edge有着更紧的弧度,适合在有限的空间里转向,这些尾鳍适合快速崩溃的浪型,因为留给浪人完成起乘和转向的时间空间比较少。越大的Rake提供更有操控感的转向,这种感觉就像,能延长转向速度,拉长转向半径的操纵感,是垂直leading edge无法带来的延迟满足感。 4. 你是“狼性”浪人(Agreesive)还是“佛系”浪人(Free-Flowing)? 对于那些转向发力较大或者冲大浪的浪人来说,他们更喜欢碳素高一些,或加一些玻璃纤维材质的尾鳍。对于那些喜欢顺着转向流线滑行的浪人来说,那种尾鳍过刚了,过刚怎么理解呢,就是很难接收到转向时的一股反哺效力,但塑料尾鳍又显得过软,所以如果你觉得碳复合纤维的过刚了,可以选择类似结构的玻璃纤维或者蜂巢架构的尾鳍。 5. 你的Ride Number是多少? 这是Futures创立的尾鳍性能测量体系,Ride Number越大,代表尾鳍产生的速度越大,Ride Number 7-10适合软浪,没什么推力的浪,反之数字越小,代表尾鳍越好驾驭快速崩溃的浪,中间范围的4-7,代表综合性表现的尾鳍 搞清楚上面几个问题后,属于你的尾鳍基本就锁定了,当然你可以选择和自己冲浪板颜色更搭的哪一款,但一定不要为了颜色搭配而忽略性能的前置选择。 附 FCS和Futures的尾鳍尺寸表 FCS Size Chart XS: 小于120lbs S: 120 – 155lbs M: 140 – 175lbs L: 165 – 200lbs XL: 190lbs+ Futures S...

2022 Best Electric Surfboards

High quality electric surfboards  The Jetfly electric surfboards and the elegant, providing high-quality premium products and experiences. Bring a new eco-friendly, non polluted, no harm to the environment, and zero contamination, fun experience to customers. It acts as a substitute to existing boats, jet skis and petrol jet surfing that create noise pollution and negatively impact the environment. Tianyun Geek is a China manufacturer, producing premium electric jetboards, designed and produced in China. A jetboard is a 100% electrically motorised surfboard, so no wind or waves are required to participate, meaning they can be used on lakes and rivers, as well as out at sea. The speed is controlled via a handheld remote control, but direction remains in the control of the rider, using the transfer of their body weight to steer the board. Since its foundation, Tianyun have sought to bring new life to the conventional surfboard. While surfing is a popular and fun water sport, it is di...

Electric VS Gas Surfboard. Which one is best?Which board to choose - electric or gasoline?

Electric VS Gas Surfboard, Which one is best? Which board to choose - electric or gasoline? ELECTRIC OR PETROL JETBOARD? | VS ELECTRIC vs PETROL | What is the future of the Jetsurf? There are two main options involving human mobility: electric and gas-powered vehicles . Automobile market leader manufacturers, as BMW, Toyota or Volkswagen, who have always been selling gasoline vehicles, are completely changing their business model, and have started launching new electrical automobiles in order to complement their range of models. On the contrary, there are other new players such as Tesla or Polestar which only manufacture electric vehicles. Electric mobility is a reality, not only in cars but in all other vehicles. This is what happens in our industry, the jetboard industry. You probably have found pure electric or gasoline powered surfboard manufacturers, or even brands that manufacture both of them. The market is full of choices. The reality is that customers rarely know which is th...

12 KW 70km/h Motorized 50Ah 70V carbon fiber Powered Electric Surfboar...


FAQ’s of Surfboard

RFQ of Jet Surfboard FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS THE BASICS Are the boards electric or fuel-powered? The answer is both. Five of our models are fuel-powered. Recently, we've also added a fully electric version. What is the max load of the boards? The max load of the  Does the board float on the water? The board is built to run on the water, not to idle on the water. The board can easily hold your body weight while the board is moving however you should not chill on the board while the board is idle. Can I try before I buy? Absolutely. You can visit one of our Jetfly Academies or Ambassador locations and enjoy either a full JetflyAcademy session with the Academy trainers of the "try before you buy" session with our ambassadors. How much does it weigh? The fuel-powered boards weigh less than 41 lbs. The Jetfly Electric weighs 64 lbs (this is including the battery) Can it be registered as a personal watercraft? Absolutely. The board can be registered as a personal watercraft ...