
Showing posts from December 7, 2023

What Is an Electric Vehicle Charger?

 What Is an Electric Vehicle Charger? An electric vehicle chargers is a charging device that charges electric vehicles (EVs) and plug-in hybrid EVs. As electric vehicle chargers become more popular, they are installed in homes, hotels, hospitals, commercial facilities, highways, gas stations , etc. There are two types of electric vehicle chargers: wired (using cables) and wireless (non-contact). Currently, the wired charging method, which requires less charging time than the non-contact charging method, is the mainstream, but it is expected that in the future the highly convenient non-contact charging method will be used in combination with the wired charging method. Wired charging systems can be further classified into normal chargers and quick chargers. Uses of Electric Vehicle Chargers Electric vehicle chargers are used to charge electric and hybrid vehicles. The wired power supply methods that are currently in widespread use include normal chargers and quick chargers. 1. Standa...


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 充电桩产品分类 充电桩是向电动汽车输送电能的设备 按输出的电流分为:交流充电桩和直流充电桩 交流充电桩体积较小、功率较小,充电慢、对电池损耗较小,多为私人充电桩,需要6-10小时充电时长,技术成熟但壁垒低,建设成本低。 直流充电桩体积较大、大功率快速充电,对电池损耗较大,多为公共充电桩,需要20-60分钟充电时长,技术复杂,成本高昂。 按充电速度分为:慢充桩和快充桩 充电功率小于或等于22KW的为慢充桩。 按使用场景分为:私人充电桩和公共充电桩 充电桩出口标准认证 国际上主要有五个充电桩标准,分别是: 中国国标GB/T、CCS1美标(com-bo/Type1)、CCS2欧标(combo/-Type 2)、 日本标准CHAdeMO,特斯拉则拥有独立的充电接口标准。