What Is An Electric Surfboard?

What Is An Electric Surfboard? 
And Other Water-Based Boards
Electric surfboards are opening new ways of exploring the ocean and the waves. Here's everything you should know about the motorized surfboard.

Electric surfboards are creating quite the splash at the moment, to the point where a lot of stockists are completely sold out of some boards.

The same goes for electric body boards and electric paddle boards, for the most part.

Electric foil boards are the only exception. Barriers to entry (aka varying skill levels) have probably put some off.

Which is fair play, as the majority are pretty intimidating to look at — and, ultimately, control if you ever try one out for real.

Do you know anyone who owns an electric surfboard or any other water-based boards at the moment?

If your answer was no, then what are you waiting for?

Watersports wait for no man, especially the electric kind.

We have all seen surfers riding waves on all types of surfboards.

There are templates, shapes, and sizes for nearly all small and big waves, clean and bumpy ocean conditions.

But what is an electric surfboard, and how does it work?

Electric surfboards are specially designed boards powered by lithium-ion batteries that allow riders to glide across any water body at high speeds.

They are equipped with an electric jet-propulsion system activated by wireless handheld remote control and don't rely solely on the energy of the waves to gain speed.

Electric surfboards are not meant to replace conventional surfboards.

Actually, they aim to a broader market, including the boating and high-speed water sports industry.

Battery-powered surfboards require a hydrodynamic design capable of embedding boosting mechanisms and technology that propel the device forward in a couple of seconds.

Electric Surfboard: From Prototype to Commercial Models
The first-ever electric surfboard was built in Australia in 1935.

"Surf Scooter" was a motorized surfboard built to help lifeguards rescue struggling or drowning swimmers on Sydney's Bondi Beach.

The project was abandoned after the first tests, and the innovative idea hibernated for 25 years.

In 1960, American watersports entrepreneur and pioneer Hobart "Hobie" Alter developed a surfboard with an outboard motor.

In the first decade of the 2000s, there was an attempt to market a jet-assisted surfboard designed to paddle faster and catch waves easier.

But the niche product would have to wait another ten years to really capture the interest of water sports enthusiasts.

Nowadays, these portable electric water boards are intuitive, versatile, and extremely fun, making them a complement to traditional wave riding.

How hard is it to ride an electric surfboard? The e-boards is an easy-to-use water sports device.

Actually, they're way easier than learning to surf on a standard surfboard, as horsepower and the overall length, width, and thickness of the board provide all the stability you need to start moving.

To put things into perspective, the electric surfboard is probably as easy as riding a jet ski.

You can try it in open ocean waves, mushy rollers, and even on bigger waves breaking out-the-back.

When the ocean is flat, or you find yourself inland near a good-looking body of water, you can always jump on it and carve around.

The rider's weight is no longer an issue.

A modern electric jet surfboard can bring riders up to 200 pounds (90 kilograms) to full planing in no time.

Let's take a look at the pros and cons of motorized surfboards.

Types of e-Surfboards
Today, there are currently two types of jet boards - electric surfboards and electric hydrofoils.

An electric surfboard resembles a funboard or longboard and ranges in length from 7' to 9'.

It is a watercraft that allows the rider to cruise around on the sea, rivers, lakes, and dams but also catch waves from a standing position.

There are rigid and inflatable models, but the most common e-surfboards are made from light carbon fiber and aircraft-grade aluminum parts.

Electric hydrofoil boards are surfboards equipped with a foiling structure.

It is a faster board that allows the rider to perform quick sharp turns and glide a few inches above the surface of the water.

Motor-powered foil boards are also more dangerous and should never be ridden in crowded lineups or near popular swimming beaches.

Power and Speed

A battery-powered surfboard can go extremely fast.

The speediest high-end electric boards use a dual jet propulsion system and two batteries that enable users to plane effortlessly across the water.

How fast does an electric surfboard go?

Motor power ranges from 5-to-15 kW, providing maximum stability and control at full throttle.

A motorized surfboard can reach speeds of up to 40 miles per hour (65 kilometers per hour) and around 45 minutes of riding time, depending on the average speeds.

Nearly all available models offer replaceable components and spare parts, including batteries, handles, stator/nozzle, impellers, triggers, fin setups, leashes, footstraps, and other tool kits.

What is the runtime on an electric surfboard?

It depends on the board model, size, weight, and the batteries used to power the built-in motorized system.

At full speed, you may find electric surfboards that need to recharge batteries after 20 minutes and other models that will allow you to ride for six hours.

Almost all battery-operated engine watercraft feature different power settings and removable batteries for maximum optimization of your sessions.

The charging time also varies, but the best electric-powered surfboards can be fully charged in 60 to 120 minutes.


A battery-powered water board can be an expensive toy. But how much does an electric surfboard really cost?

The price of the most reliable jet-propulsion surfboards goes from around $5,000 to up to $10,000.

Why are electric surfboards so expensive?

The characteristics that will make the difference and increase the value-added cost of an electric surfboard are design and hydrodynamics, battery life, motor power, and speed.

Premium e-boards feature exchangeable and multiple long-range battery options, power levels, advanced modular buoyancy design, Bluetooth remote control, silent motor engines, and excellent planing.

Ergonomic design, footstraps, security leashes, a comfortable rubber traction pad, emergency paddle, and even built-in storage space will make this gadget even more expensive.

The most advanced electric surfboards come with GPS systems that track the board's route, calculate the remaining battery level based on the rider's position, and inform the user when to return to terra firma.

A high-performance jet-propulsion surfboard will even allow you to jump out of the water.

Although it may not sound like a good idea, an inflatable electric surfboard can be reliable and extremely practical.

There are more affordable jet propulsion surfboards and bodyboards out in the market, but always check the device's overall settings before buying a $1,000 water sports gadget.

You can find motor-powered surfboards for sale online or in specialized motorsports shops.

The top electric surfboard manufacturers are Jetfly, Awake, Fliteboard, Lampuga, Lift Foils, Onean, Radinn, and Waterwolf.

Last but not least: if you're giving jet boarding a go, always wear a helmet.

You don't want to crash against an object or be catapulted onto the water at 20 miles per hour (32.5 kilometers per hour) or more.

Electric Surfboard FAQs
How fast are electric surfboards?
The answer to this question depends on the surfboard in question. Some can travel up to 40 miles per hour. Know that the faster you go, the quicker you’ll drain the battery. Most electric surfboards can only move for around 45 minutes, so be conservative for maximum use.

What is an electric foil board exactly?
An electric foil board is very similar to an electric surfboard in design and how you’d stand. The only difference is a hydrofoil will lift the board in the air once it builds enough momentum. It can look jarring at first, but it’s a hell of a lot of fun.

How does an electric body board work?
An electric body board is ideal for beginners, given you don’t need to be as coordinated in terms of balance. All you do is lean on, turn on, and the board does the rest. They have more in common with jet skis than surfboards, in our opinion.

Are electric paddle boards fun?
Of course, they are! The electric paddle board allows you to cover a lot more space compared to its non-motorised counterpart. It can take some getting used to, but we’d say it’s more than worth it (if you can afford one).

What Is An Electric Surfboard? And Other Water-Based Boards

Ride a wave the electric way and never look back

Surfs up; it’s time to step into the future and embrace the power of the electric surfboard!

That’s right, electric surfboards are here and have actually been around for a while now. The same goes for the electric body board and the electric paddle board.

All exist in the current sea sports ecosystem/landscape.

There are actual electric surfboard competitions these days if you can believe that!

Welcome to the 21st-century guys, the age of the electric ocean.

Surfing is all about navigating nature and rolling with the punches, and these boards allow you to do just that.

Stay tuned; below, we’re covering everything you need to know about the electric surfboard and then some. We’ll also be touching on other motorised boards (including the infamous electric foil board).

This is an ideal read for newbies and avid wave enthusiasts looking for something familiar yet different.

Let’s get into it.
The Electric Surfboard Explained

Surfing is a pastime as old as time.

You can trace surfing all the way back to the 12th century.

Look it up.

There are cave paintings that clearly illustrate some form of surfing.

Did they predict electric surfing back then?

Unfortunately not.

Then again, who did?

The electric surfboard is different in all the right ways, sporting a powerful lithium-ion battery and other top-notch features that you wouldn’t get otherwise.

Electric power allows the board to travel at incredible speeds across the water. But how do they work?

It’s not that complicated.

With every electric surfboard, you’re given a handheld remote control. The controller allows you to move at speeds you’re comfortable with (and slow down, obviously).

Are they harder to ride?

Sure, if you’ve never stepped on one before.

That being said, you should pick it all up faster if you’re one of those experienced surfers.

Anything with a motor in it will feel unnatural at first.

We should mention that, unlike electric cars, electric surfboards aren’t meant to replace your standard board.

In fact, we’d recommend you keep a hold of your standard board if you’re going to buy an electric one.

Owning an electric surfboard doesn’t make the other obsolete.

Think of it like owning an electric skateboard alongside a conventional one; both have a place in your rotation.

Easily the best thing about these power-assisted surfboards is the fact that you don’t need to do any of the swimming to get it moving.

You don’t need to harness the power of Poseidon via currents to move on still water. All you need is a decent electric surfboard with a high power capacity (for longer journeys between charges).

The Electric Foil Board Explained
The electric foil board, otherwise known as a ‘hydrofoil board,’ isn’t too different from an electric surfboard.

You still stand up on it, it features a handy controller, and you can use it to map large sections of water before even touching a wave.

However, it is built differently in that it sports a motor/stem underneath. The board can look like any standard surfboard (depending on the manufacturer). It’s what’s underneath that you need to look out for.

You see, an electric foil board will actually lift you in the air slightly, giving the rider an additional level of control/glide.

They’re quite freaky to look at, to be honest.

Seriously, go watch any video of an electric foil board in action and see for yourself.

Freaky, yes, but fun to ride?

Oh hell yeah.

Surfers have been quick to highlight the differences between a standard electric surfboard and an electric foil board.

Standard e surfboards are great and all, but they can be pretty sluggish to steer — especially when riders are moving pretty fast.

For maximum control, you’re gonna want an electric hydrofoil board.

The Electric Body Board Explained
Standing up on an electric surfboard can be difficult, which is why it might be a good idea to head in an electric body board direction.

A motorised body board means you never have to stand up, or kick your feet, given all the power is generated for you.

To be clear: Riding an electric body board is very similar to swimming with a standard body board, only you don’t have to do a thing.

All you do is lean on and go!

They are pretty buoyant, so if you want to dive with them, you need to apply pressure to the top to dip beneath the water.

The Electric Paddle Board Explained
And finally, we have the electric paddle board.

Paddle boards are different (in a good way) as you need to use a paddle to get them going, but you didn’t need us to tell you that, surely.

Electric paddle boards weren’t made to break the sound barrier. They give more of a lazy river type vibe.

Pretty blissful when you stop and think about it.

Most require an electric paddle board pump to get going, but some — like SipaBoards’ motorised paddle board line — can self-inflate at the push of a button.

It doesn’t take that long to inflate, by the way. Still, it does shave a couple of minutes off of its prep time.

Paddle boarding is, usually, a helpful stress-reliever. Well, you can amplify your comfort levels on the back of an electric version, that’s for sure.

Stand up paddle boarding (SUP), as it’s also known, is at its best during the summer (unless you live somewhere hot, that is).

It’s a popular thing in Europe, and electric paddle boards are slowly growing in popularity; the only issue is you don’t have as many options compared to electric surfboards or motorised body boards.


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