What is a Water Jet Board?


What is a Water Jet Board?

Electric surfboards are boards that rely on a rechargeable battery powered motor. These motors allow them to move even through stagnant water, and the boards themselves come in many forms, including Electric hydrofoils, Electric SUPs, Electric jet surfboards, and more. Electric jet boards allow you to break away from traditional surfing and let you enjoy an endless surfing season.

How Does Water Jet Board Work?

Water Jet Boards are equipped with a handheld wireless remote-controlled electric jet propulsion system and do not rely solely on wave power for speed.

Electric surfboards are not intended to replace conventional surfboards.

In reality, they target a broader market, including the high-speed water sports and boating industry.

Battery-powered surfboards require a hydrodynamic design capable of incorporating drive mechanisms and technology that propel the device forward in a couple of seconds.

How fast do jet boards go?

When it comes to electric powered surf boards, speeds can go from anywhere from 30 km per hour to more than 50 km per hour, regardless of the weight of the surfer. A remote control device helps you control the speed, but in case you are just starting out with the sport, make sure you don’t rush and start with a low setting to practice.

Basically, for battery powered water jet boards, the heavier surfer need more motor power, and the speed is correspondingly lower.

Jetfly surfboard designed for speed and passion, can access to this new sport for heavier runners. The surf board powered by 12KW motor can reach high speeds up to 65 km/h for a 150KG rider, and has a range of 28 miles (45 km), approximately 60 minutes when driving at mixed speeds.


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