Electric Surfboard Lifespan: How to Make Them Last

How long do electric surfboards last ?

The amount of lifespan an e-surfboard has depends on its engine/motor power and battery life. Furthermore, the board’s lifespan depends on various factors like the sun, water, storage, and the style of surfing you prefer. All of these factors combined will determine how long your electric surfboard will last. 

Many factors affect the lifespan of electric surfboards. I’ll write about the ins and outs that a surfboard user needs to know in this article.

Hopefully, surfboard users will avoid the mistakes and prolong their e-surfboard lifespan after going through the article.

Common Mistakes that Reduce Longevity of Electric Surfboards 

Surfers tend to make some avoidable mistakes that they are unaware of. These mistakes include exposure to heat and proper cleansing of saltwater. Also, aggressive surf style and improper storing of surfboards reduce the longevity of boards and engine batteries by an extent.

Sun: Mostly, the heat from the Sun causes expansion in surfboards. The board becomes lumpy and uncomfortable to use if the foam inside the board expands.

A chunky expanded board is not comfortable for users and affects the overall surfing experience. Thus it is vital to keep heat away from the surfboards as much as possible to preserve their longevity.

Water: Modern surfboards are built from a foam covered in fiberglass or epoxy and have some issues. These issues arise when people don't repair their surfboards, even if they have a crack or dent.

If they continue without mending the cracks/dents, then it might water log the board. It can cause the speed to lessen and even cause corrosion in saltwater.

Surf Style: For aggressive surfers, e-surfboards that have a more premium build to them and are lightweight are the better option. This is because they depend on high performance and quicker board speed to ride the waves faster.

Surfers who are less aggressive tend to change boards less, as they do not ride based on high performance, thus the boards lasting more.

Storage: Storage is vital as it hugely affects the lifespan of surfboards. Surfboards tend to expand under heat, and that is why I recommend keeping them in a cooler place.

It is also wise to keep them in a spacious place where there is no chance of overheating. Keeping it in a secure location will ensure that other elements cannot cause the surface of boards to erode.

How Can the Longevity of Electric Surfboards Be Increased?

The lifespan of Electric Surfboards can easily be increased if some protocols are maintained. Properly covering it, keeping the surfboard in a safe place, maintaining safety instructions for electric surfboard batteries, and regular maintenance and care are some things that increase longevity.

Covering it with a surfboard bag

 The boards of electric surfboards are usually made with similar materials to standard surfboards (except the most premium ones).

Thus, heat, unnecessary elements can cause the board to become uneven, lumpy, and uncomfortable to use.

To avoid such circumstances from occurring, Surfboard bags are essential.

These bags act as a cover and protect the e-surfboards from elements that could cause the board and the battery harm.

For example, it would protect it from heat, dust, and even getting unnecessary scratches.

Putting it in a safe place

It is critical to keep the e-surfboards in a safe place. Usually, e-surfboards are more expensive than standard surfboards, and you need to care extra for them.

Apart from storing the board in a safer place, it is also necessary to store the battery-powered engine safely so that no damage occurs to it.

You might also damage your surfboard while transporting it from one place to another. So it should be made sure that the method of transport is suitable and doesn’t cause harm to the board.

Taking Care Of The Battery 

I recommend following some basic instructions in order to maintain good battery life. First is storing the battery on 15-20 percent charge.

The more the charge amount remains during storage, the riskier it is. It is also to be made sure that no shock is applied to cells as it can cause abrupt damage to the battery

Further care should be taken so that there is no overheating issue with the battery. This reduces lifespan.

Also removing the battery pack is highly risky, as the battery becomes susceptible to flames then.

Maintenance & Care

It is necessary to repair the minor dings and dents on the boards quickly. Also, if someone surfs in salt water, they should clean the boat with fresh water and rinse off the saltwater.

Saltwater is corrosive and can damage the board in the long run. So regularly rinsing off the board is necessary to have no trace of corrosive substance left on the board.

If possible, you could buy surfboard repair kits. Some dents and dings are minimal, and it is tough to take them to repair shops permanently. One can quickly fix these minor dents with the help of a repair kit.

Storing Your E-Surfboard For The Winter

It is important  to properly store your e-surfboard.

But you should know that it is essential to maintain some extra storage protocols for both the boards and batteries of e-Surfboards, during the winter season. 


Whether it’s an electric hydrofoil or a jet board, the boards should be carefully cleaned first. Especially if they came into contact with salt water.

When e-surfing in saltwater, you must wash the board with fresh water after each ride. However, it would be best if you put in considerably more work before storing for the winter. 

Then it would help if you completely dried the e-Surfboards. It works well in a boiler room with dry, warm air. Every compartment and cavity must be accessible.

Allow at least 24 hours for the board to dry. It would be best to clean all electrical contacts with contact cleaner, that too after every use of the e-Surfboards in saltwater.

The board has no high storage temperature requirements since batteries do not power it. Even though all manufacturers recommend room temperature, it may occasionally fall below zero. And that is completely fine for the boards. But the board and its tubes must be fully dry.


When it comes to the battery storage on e-Surfboards, things get interesting. The battery’s outside should also be cleaned with fresh water and dried thoroughly.

The electrical contacts are also cleaned and sealed in this case, as mentioned previously.

In the winter, the state of charge is different. Before storing, a 30-50 percent load is recommended on average.

Because batteries can lose 50 to 75 percent of their charge throughout the winter, you should check the charge every four weeks.


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