Why is surfing so appealing to lovers of extreme sports?

 Why is surfing so appealing to lovers of extreme sports?

Because it is the sport of winners, of those who go forth no matter what and always try to get the situation under control!

Surfing is an extreme sport where a surfer rides the waves on a special board. The term “surfing” has its roots in English and refers to the act of riding a wave.

This sport is widespread in countries that have access to the ocean, such as Bali, Australia, Mexico, Portugal, Spain and France. Bali, by the way, is the true surfing heaven as there one can find any kind of waves all year round.

If you want to try surfing, but it is too extreme for you yet — try less extreme kinds, such as wakesurfing, windsurfing, bodyboarding or kitesurfing. But let’s not forget there are no absolutely safe kinds of surfing — the difference between them is in the degree of risk only.


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