What is an electric surfboard?

What is an electric surfboard?

Electric surfboards are specially designed boards powered by lithium-ion batteries that allow riders to glide across any water body at high speeds.

They are equipped with an electric jet-propulsion system activated by wireless handheld remote control and don't rely solely on the energy of the waves to gain speed.

Battery-powered surfboards require a hydrodynamic design capable of embedding boosting mechanisms and technology that propel the device forward in a couple of seconds.

Electric surfboards work by using an electric motor and a rechargeable battery to push rider through the water. The drive is a smaller version of an impeller setup in a personal watercraft. Even if there are no waves, a person can still use an electric surfboard in calm surf, lakes and rivers.


What Is An Electric Surfboard?
An electric surfboard is an innovative product which is the face of the future.
With the traditional surfboard, it is gravity, buoyancy, and the surfer’s movements which glides the board along the water.

Electric surfboards, however, differ for they are powered by a lithium-ion battery.
This battery allows the board to glide along the water and waves smoothly and at a higher speed.

It has even been acknowledged that the electric surfboard is beneficial for those wanting to start learning to surf as it provides plenty of stability and you are more likely to stay balanced.

What is a jetboard?

A jetboard is a motorized board propelled by a jet designed to enjoy riding above water. Powered by electricity or gasoline, it can reach speeds up to 60 km/h and around 40 minutes of riding time, depending on the model.

Electric surfboards are opening new ways of exploring the ocean and the waves. Here's everything you should know about the motorized surfboard.

Electric Surfboards: Pros And Cons


  • Noise – Many people are concerned with the sound that will be produced by the electric surfboard, however it is much quieter than other surfboards such as the petrol powered board, making it a great option.
  • Plenty of options – Another positive about the electric surfboard is the number of options. Because of these options, surfers are not limited to one standard type and are given the choice of differing preferences which will benefit them whilst surfing.


  • Weight – The electric surfboard is very heavy and this is due to the battery. This heaviness may restrict some people’s performance or make a person feel uncomfortable using the device.
  • Expensive – Another negative about the electric surfboard is its price. As it is still a fairly niche product, the price is understandably high, but this can turn many customers away from the board.

Which board to choose - electric or gasoline?

manufacturers produce two types of jet surf. There is an electric jet board, it runs on batteries. And there are gasoline models; they work at the expense of fuel. What decision to make depends on your preferences. We will consider several selection criteria.

Jet Surf is a surfboard that allows you to perform tricks without waves. The installed engine allows an average speed of 50 km/h - you can enjoy the adrenaline rush even on the calm water surface. Today, manufacturers produce two types of jet surf. There is an electric jetboard, it runs on batteries. And there are gasoline models; they work at the expense of fuel. What decision to choose depends on your preferences. We will consider several selection criteria.

Board with a motor always weighs more than 10 kg. Its weight affects the ease of transportation, maintenance, repair. The less a jetsurf weighs, the easier it is to carry, transport, maintain. The weight of the device is influenced by the weight of the body, as well as the elements that provide movement - the engine, the filling tank, the battery.

The 2021 Jetsurf Sport gasoline board weighs 18.5 kg and the Radinn Explore electric surfboard weighs 15 kg.

Maximum speed
The maximum speed that can be developed on the board depends on its characteristics, configuration, form. There are no significant differences between gasoline and electric models too. In both categories there are boards with a motor, developing up to 60–80 km/h. For example, Fliteboard and Onean Carver models can reach speeds of 40 km/h, regardless of the weight of the driver.

Trip length
Electric surf with a motor provides surfing due to battery charge. The duration of the training depends on its power - the longer it is, the longer you can ride. In gasoline models, the duration, or rather the distance, depends on the volume of the filling tank. The bigger it is, the more you can drive without refueling. The average duration of a trip on electric jets is 30–40 minutes. The average for gasoline models is about 40–50 minutes at mixed speeds, or 10–20 kilometers traveled. In both cases, you can increase the duration of the trip: in the first - by replacing the battery, in the second - by refueling.

Almost all modern jet boards are equipped with security systems. The simplest thing the manufacturer can do is to release the case in the most stable form. The more expensive is the board, the greater its safety, and this is important for both categories. For example, jet surf can stop itself when the control panel is removed from it or when the rider is dropped in the water. Control The most common control option in both categories is the controller. It can be wired and wireless. Wired controller allows you to change the speed, as well as stop and start the engine. Wireless consoles usually have a screen that shows the battery level and other important parameters. This solution is popular in electric models, for example, Fliteboard. Each rider chooses between several specific models. For someone, it becomes important to have an electric board in the form of convenient control; someone appreciates the high duration of the trip on the gasoline jet surf. Choose thee model based on personal preferences.

How Does an Electric Surfboard Work?

Electric surfboards resemble traditional surfboards in structure and design. However, unlike traditional surfboards, electric surfboards feature an independent power source.

These independent power sources typically come in one of two forms, either through the use of a Jetstream or a propeller. These independent power sources are typically powered by batteries that can be recharged.

However, across these different types of boards, the basic principle of how electric surfboards work remains the same. 

All electric surfboards are designed to be extremely buoyant, and they all require some type of battery-powered engine to operate. 

Most electric surfboard batteries are comprised of lithium-ion, which means that electric surfboards typically use rechargeable batteries. 
Some manufacturers of electric surfboards allow for multiple types of batteries to be used with their products.
These types of electric surfboards allow you to exchange different types of batteries when your power gets low.
On the rear end of the electric surfboard is where you’ll typically find the electric surfboard’s engine or motor. The motor is typically placed at the end of the electric surfboard because that location allows the electric surfboard to gracefully move on top of the water as the jet propulsion pushes the board forward towards its destination.

You can typically accelerate your electric surfboard by utilizing a wireless remote control, which you always keep in your hand . 


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