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  .   全向麦克风类型介绍 在我们日常视频会议系统构架中,通常是由麦克风、摄像头、扬声器、网络和终端交互设备组成。 全向麦克风作为会议视频通话设备重要环节,它是将麦克风、扬声器和电子芯片集成一体,通过有线或无线技术实现网络终端设备连接,从而达到收放音功能。 全向麦克风通常采用单个或多组阵列式麦克风设计,搭配全指向高灵敏拾音咪头,能够实现360°全方位清晰拾音,收音距离可达1.5m以上半径范围,满足多人会议同步使用。机身同时自带高保真扬声扩音喇叭,可以实现外放发声功能。 由于全向麦克风特殊结构设计,多人会议时高频次说话需要通过麦克风拾音咪头采集人声,经过内部数字音频电路转换输出到终端设备上,设备端同步输出人声到外放喇叭,如此迅速音频循环重放,容易产生回杂音干扰。 因此,全向会议麦克风大多采用全双工通讯技术,可实现在线会议双向同步清晰通话和外放发声。主机内置DSP智能降噪芯片,搭载动态回声消除技术,能够有效抑制环境杂音和回声干扰,提供清晰高保真通话效果。 为了适应多人大空间会议灵活办公需求,现在很多中高端系列全向麦克风采用级联技术,支持多个独立麦克风无线同步收放音。有些支持智能语音识别和NFC技术,可实现会议终端实时字幕翻译、语音智能转写、音频识别播放等功能。 随着会议麦克风领域技术不断发展,目前已经出现了音视频会议一体机,它是将麦克风、摄像头和扬声喇叭集成一体,以低成本解决视频会议中系统设备问题,提升网络视频会议沟通质量和音画同步收放音效果。 目前,市面上全向麦克风类型款式和功能配置丰富多样,主要分为有线式和无线式两种。 1.   有线式全向麦克风 有线式全向麦克风属于早期应用形态,它通过音频数据线来实现全向麦克风和会议终端设备连接,主要包含 USB和Type-C音频线和转接头 类型,通常适配笔记本电脑、智能会议平板终端系统设备。 有线式全向麦克风的优点在于信号传输性能稳定,没有电池续航困扰,免驱动安装,即插即用,使用操作便捷,性价比高,广泛兼容各种网络移动终端会议设备。 缺点是由于受到有线束缚,需要在办公桌面固定场景下使用,移动灵活性上稍显不足。同时,有线连接也让办公桌面显得杂乱,影响整洁美观度,占用一定空间。 2.   无线式全向麦克风 无线式全向麦克风是目前比较流行的新型会议麦克风类型,它主要包含 蓝牙、2.4G和5.8...

Omni–directional Speaker Phone

  Omni–directional Speaker Phone, 6 Microphone Array, Bluetooth/USB/Aux Connectivity, and Wireless Charging 360° omni–direction audio pickup Connect via Bluetooth or cable Plug and play Echo cancellation Wired and wireless charging APPLICATIONS  Enterprise meeting rooms  Educational spaces  Any application where high–quality video conferencing is required Omnidirectional, compact speakerphone for crystal−clear sound Ensure all meeting participants are heard clearly from every seat in the room. With 360° omnidirectional audio pickup, high−fidelity sound and simple operation,  enhances the audio experience for everyone – whether in the room or joining remotely. The small size and multiple connection options are a perfect fit for huddle rooms and small meeting rooms, where table space is at a premium.   Fast setup, flexible configuration — Fast setup and installation — Connect via AUX, Bluetooth, Bluetooth dongle or USB Can be connected to the 180Mini via USB ...

Benefits of Audio and Video Conferencing in Business

 What is Video Conferencing? When at least two individuals utilize digital platforms to communicate and collaborate with each other in order to accomplish a common goal adequately then it is known as a video conferencing. A unified and simple video conferencing solution which not just makes communication easy… Yet, it additionally lower the chances of having too many overlapping applications, simplifies troubleshooting and maintenance and saves everyone time and energy by lowering training needs. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF VIDEO CONFERENCING EQUIPMENT? There are multiple benefits of having a video conferencing equipment: there is no need to make the long-distance commute if you have access to a video conferencing system, your meetings can be very short notice.  Participants will no longer have excuses related to location and travel; they only have to free themselves. As a result of improved communications, participants are more in sync, decisions are able to be made faster, and ...

Benefits And Advantages of Audio Conferencing

Benefits And Advantages of Audio Conferencing Compared to video conferencing, audio conferencing is typically a less expensive, very accessible and easy to set up. But it also lacks some of the richness of a video conference. Like other teleconferencing, audio conferencing can save time and money that would otherwise be spent on business travel to hold physical conferences. Depending on your specific audio conferencing solution, it may also enable company employees to easily create a web collaboration session with key subject matter experts to rapidly resolve company or customer issues. With a good audio conferencing platform, you may not need as many full-built-out audio/video conference rooms. Some audio conferencing platforms can support a number of conferencing hosts, exempt special event connection costs, and come with add-ons. All this makes audio conferencing a great way for more than two people to connect with each other at the same time. What Is Audio Conferencing? Audio confe...


3 术语和定义、缩略语 3.1 术语和定义 视频会议 Video Conference 采用图像语音压缩技术,利用视讯会议通讯系统和数字传输电路,在两点或者多点之间实时传送活动图像、语音、应用数据(电子白板、图形)信息形式的通信业务。 语音会议 Voice Conference纯语音多方会议。 数据会议 Data Conference 数据会议提供屏幕共享、电子白板、文档共享、双向协作、文字交流、问卷调查等共享和互动功能,实现高效的沟通和协作。 用户域 User Domain 采用树状结构,实现用户组和用户分级管理。 全编全解会议 Universal Transcoding Conference 多点控制单元对每路视频独立编解码,实现将不同带宽能力和支持不同协议的终端接入到会议中,使每个与会者都能够获得与其终端能力和带宽匹配的最佳体验,保证终端的能力得到充分的发挥。 云视频会议 Cloud Video Conference 利用云计算技术,采用云视频编解码方式,实现多类型视频会议终端多组多点实时音视频通信。 4K 分辨率 4K Resolution 由国际电信联盟(International Telecommunication Union,ITU)定义,取名为 Ultra High-Definition或者 Ultra HD(超高清)。4K 常见的分辨率有 3840*2160 和 4096*2160 像素 2 种规格,与之前的 1080P全高清流媒体内容相比,4K 内容可以为用户提供更加精细、真实的画质,能够表达更多的细节。 会议管理软件 Conference Management Software 视频会议的业务管理系统,负责管理视频会议的设备和资源,实现会议的预约、召开、调度和控制。 多点控制单元 Multipoint Control Unit 视频会议核心设备,由多点控制器(MC)和多点处理器(MP)组成。MC 负责内部控制和呼叫管理,MP 负责处理媒体流。 网守 Gatekeeper H.323 通信网络中的一个功能实体,提供地址翻译、网络的接入控制、带宽管理、会议资源调度等功能。 SIP 服务器 SIP Server SIP 通信网络中的一个功能实体,提供 SIP 注册/呼叫业务处理、地址翻译、带宽管理、会议资源调度等功能。 视频会议终端 Video Co...