Types of Electric Vehicle Chargers


Types of Electric Vehicle Chargers

There are three types of EV chargers available on the market:

  • Level 1 - uses a standard 120 volt AC electric circuit and does not require any additional installation. Level 1 charging works well for charging at home, work or anywhere a 120 volt outlet is available.
  • Level 2 - uses a 240/208 volt AC electric circuit. Offers charging through a 240 volt (residential) or 208 volt (commercial) AC plug and requires installing charging equipment and a dedicated electrical circuit. A Level 2 charger is considerably faster than Level 1, making it ideal for full charging overnight at home.
  • DC Fast Charger  (Level 3) - uses a 480 volt AC electric circuit, will recharge about 80% of the battery in 30 minutes. Uses a special plug compatible with many all-battery electric vehicles.


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