Why Go Electric Surfboard?

 Why Go Electric Surfboard?

 Electric motors are quieter than petrol/gas powered engines

 Lakes in many parts of the world have already banned petrol/gas powered watercraft due to their noise, air and water pollution

 Rechargeable batteries are more environmentally friendly than petrol/gas

 Rechargeable batteries are cleaner with lower odour than petrol/gas

 Rechargeable batteries are easy to swap over, recharge, and offer low 'refuelling' costs

 Electric motors are smaller than petrol/gas engines, meaning the watercraft can be smaller and lighter, too

 Smaller, lighter watercraft means easy storage, easy loading, easy transport and easy unloading

 Smaller, lighter watercraft also negates the need for a boat ramp, meaning you can launch from anywhere you can walk into the water!

 Electric watercraft are more likely to be able to incorporate software and battery upgrades in the future - we've already seen this with most of the brands we offer

Give us a call on 0086 13392442787 to talk with us about these great benefits!


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