
Showing posts from August, 2022

JETFLY Electric Surfboards/jetboard to Catch a Wave and offers you speed...


eSurfboards-Pushing the Boundaries of Action Sports


Fun Lake Moto Surfing on Electrically Powered/Water-Jet Propelled Surfboard


Coast Power Surfing No need for waves with new electric surfboard


Tired of E-Jet Surfboard Jet Surfing? Come on with a can of Red Bull


Wingfoil - Why you need to look at small boards + here's how to start th...


Shooting surfing action with the with Jetfly Gas Powered Surfboard


Electric Surfboard Surfing- Activities for a splashing good time/Thrill ...

#Jetfly #Jetflyboards #Electricsurfboard #electricsurfboards #jetboards #electricjetboards #jetboarding #jetboard #electricjetboard #surfing #PWC #electricvehicle #tutorial #howto #motosurf #jetsurfing #powersurf #electrosurf #luxurywatertoys #E-surfing #Motorized surfing #E-Watersports #MotoSurfGames #LuxuryToys #citysurf #jetsurf #exteremsport #watersportbangkok #wakesurfworld #motosurf #motorsport

FAQ jet powered electric motorized surfboard /jet boards

 FAQ jet powered electric motorized surfboard /jet boards Maintenance How do I maintain the board after riding? 1. Take the board out of the water with the tail down. Keep tilted until the water completely dropped of the board; 2. Check the board, the battery, the mast, the propeller, the hall switch for any collision or damage. If there is damage or water leakage, please contact the jetfly technical support staff for assistance; 3. After use in seawater, please wash the board, pump-jet propulsion system, and driver with fresh water, and wipe dry with a towel; 4. Rinse the battery connector with fresh water. Do not flush the battery connector directly using a high pressure water hose; 5. Using air blower to blow dry the battery’s connector before charging. How do I do the further maintenance? 1. Using WD-40 to Clean the battery and the power module's connector periodically 2. Replace the O-rings on the power module's connector after 60~100 riding times. 3. Apply WD40 all the ex...

Electric Powered Surf Board MotoSurf without waves


Electric surfing coming to Lake Pond Pool


Motosurfing racer pool action ride on JETFLY Petrol Power Surfboard


Electric Surfboard Daily Surfing Practice


动力冲浪板操作指南 (初级)

动力冲浪板操作指南 (初级) 趴板适应: •练习如何趴在板体上平稳控制调速按钮,稳定行进。 •平趴时,双腿分开,放于板体两侧,重心位于下腹部位,保持翘头平衡。 •向前直行时,可根据自身适应情况,持续稳定操作调速手柄。 •多尝稳定加速与稳定减速,灵活控制调速手柄,保持稳定的趴在板体上。 •接下来学习趴式转换为跪姿。 •变换动作期间,控制调速手柄速度持续不变,可以加速,不可以减速和骤停
 跪板试速: •双手位于前端握把不变,重心位于腹部和手肘处。腹部收紧带动双腿向前屈膝至板体的后方,手肘离开板面撑直双臂。 •平稳后双手可以离开前端手握把,保持手柄控制速度,稳定跪于板体上。 •转向时,控制左右手压板边的力度以及重心的偏移改变方向,可快速连续轻点调速手柄或适时减速直至转向完成。 •急转时,适当减速配合动作完成。(不可骤停) •跪姿转换为站姿行驶 站板驰骋: •单膝跪立,后脚踏稳板体后部,快速抬膝将前脚抬起踏于板体前端。 •站立时,重心下沉,重心处于胯下而不是在前后脚。 •整套动作开始至完成,控制调速手柄速度保持恒速不变。(过程中不要骤停,不要减速) •当我们能够平稳地站立于板体上行驶时,我们可以尝试偏移身体重心,从而改变行驶方向。 ( 跪姿势变站姿时保持稳定的动力输出,瞬间站起不要犹豫,以免破坏板体在水面的平衡) 熟练掌握趴板、跪板、站板动作的快速转换,可以尝试切水转弯、快速S障碍绕桩等更刺激的动作 极客动力板旨在让人们在水上享受冲浪的乐趣。 Jetfly电动冲浪板用Eva握把和氯丁橡胶手柄就能操控它的碳纤维船体,板体采用的是高强度超轻碳纤维复合材料,碳纤维材料不仅重量轻,刚性好,而且坚固耐磨,质量和可靠性大大优于其他材料。 它使用3.5KWh的锂电池替代普通的油动力,在实现零排放的同时也能轻松拥有长达60分钟的续航动力。而且它的锂离子电池防水等级能达到I P67,电池容量也是相当大,每次充电可以让你在水中玩上60分钟。它另一个优势就是它的驱动装置是一个电动马达驱动的喷气式喷水装置,不像是螺旋桨会因为水中植物而缠住,对于水中动物的保护也能尽到一份力。这也使得它不像汽油驱动的水上摩托那样充满噪音。 还有就是它的操作模式相当简单,和滑板的操作类似,因为是电动操作所以冲浪也不再需要浪头。在体积浮力,重心配比,板底、板尾、板缘的弧度与细节上通过大量仿真分析和实物样品来推敲设计数据...

How does an Electric Jetboard works?RFQ of Electric jetboards (aka electric surfboards or e-Jets

  E-Jet Electric Jet Surfboard An electric jet board is a motorised board propelled by a jet which is designed to enjoy riding above water. Electric jetboards (aka electric surfboards or e-Jets) accelerate the board even without wind and waves. All the powerful motor needs is flat water to work. Electric jetboards give you the maximum power, speed and adrenaline. What is an e-Jet Electric Surfboard? An electric jet board is a motorised board propelled by a jet which is designed to enjoy riding above water. Electric jetboards or electric surfboards depend on a battery powered electric engine. This boards can reach speeds up to 60 km/h and and between 20-60 minutes of riding time, depending on the model and the brand. How does an Electric Jetboard works? Electric jetboards or electric surfboards depend on a motor that is powered by a battery. The electric boards are usually like traditional surfboards but they have their own independent power source which can be a propeller or...

how to ride a Jetboard/Jet Powered Electric Surfboard

how to ride a Jetboard How to ride an Electric Motorized Surfboard 1: Getting started Make sure the batteries of your board AND of the hand controller are charged Connect your smart phone app (if available) to adjust the Jetboard settings(app only used in China. Other countries's app will be custom design) Install the foot straps (if available and desired) Insert the main battery (make sure the connectors are dry) Only connect the kill switch if you want to run the engine insert the fins of your Jetboard 2: Water start Go into the water Lay on the Jetboard Connect the kill switch Press the trigger of your hand controller Reach a steady speed Go on your knees Go faster to stabilize the board Stand up If you fall, fall to the side or back (not the front as the board might hit you) 3: Riding position If you prefer your right leg in the front you are a goofy rider If it is your left leg, you are a regular rider (Don’t worry what you are - it is 50/50 ) Have a wi...

Electric Motor Surfboard - The Best Choice for Surfing?

 Electric Motor Surfboard - The Best Choice for Surfing? It is important to have a good surfboard, selected according to the specific characteristics of each athlete such as weight, size and level of experience to ride waves. Recently, surfboards with electric motors have come onto the market. Today we are going to see what this is all about and if it is a good option for surfing. It's a board made for fun; you can either ride waves or take a ride in the surf. These boards have a motor that is placed in the keel and operated by a remote control that the surfer wears on his wrist; at the touch of a button, it starts or stops. Motorised surfboards have changed the existing condition that there must be waves to surf, as the motor drives the board and you can ride in the sea while riding it. The engines can be petrol or electric. Some of these electric surfboards use the same technology used for jet skis to generate propulsion. Motorised surfboards can also be used on lakes, rivers or ...

Jet surfing through the river valley on JETFLY Jet Powered Surf Board


Russia Client Test JETFLY Electric Jet Surf Board


Comparing Petrol Jetsurffly vs Jetfly Electric? Pros and Cons?


Power over water Rescue Jet fuel Surfboards Equipment For All Ages


how-to petrol jetboard surf guide for beginners


Glossary of Surfing Terms and Surf Slang

Glossary of Surfing Terms and Surf Slang 360 – a surf move consisting of turning the surfboard at a 360-degree angle while on the face of a wave A-frame – a wave-shaped like a peak that breaks both left and right, equally Aggro – aggressive surfing/surfer Air or Aerial – is a maneuver in which the board leaves the surface or the water/wave Akaw – awesome, cool Amped – feeling excited, pumped up Ankle slappers – waves that are too small to ride Backdoor – going inside a tube/barrel, also known as the curl of the wave, from behind its peak Bailing – Jumping off your board into the water in order to avoid a bad encounter Barney – a surfer that is not cool, untalented, rookie (see this guy below—not the girl, she is cool) Barrel – a tube, the curl of the wave, the hollow part of a wave when it is breaking, and one of the most sought after things in surfing Beach break – the places where the waves break over sandbars Benny – a person who is not a local Bitchin’ – awesome, amazing, great—as ...

Jet Surfboard Electric Benefits

Electric surfboards are also known as jet boards, and you can get them in battery-powered systems packed with performance. It will be able to move through the calmest of waters, and you do not have to put extra effort to move through the same. They are available in various shapes and sizes to choose from and have numerous advantages as well.  Here are the benefits that you need to know, and using a jet board will feel like a cakewalk.  Electric surfboards do not feel the same as traditional surfing boards. The energy of the waves will prepare it, and you can rely on the power source. Make sure that there is enough charge to have a seamless experience and maintain full speed in any condition. Even if you are a beginner, you should be able to stay upright, and the experience will be mind-boggling. The best way to learn surfing is going to be on the electric boards so that you can fall and climb back on. Now you should know about the cost of electric surfing boards. If you want t...

First Ride on JETFLY Power Surfing Gas Jet Board & fall off


lake/pond/pool Electric surf on JETFLY Carbon Fiber Battery Powered Jet...


How to learn Carbon Fiber Surf?


Electric-jetboard Reviews


Surfer Make waves this summer on JETFLY Electrical jet-board urban river...


This summer, learn to surf Lake on an Jet-powered surfboard


Pretty girl riding a surfboard Urban River and Ocean Beach


City river riding on the JETFLY electric surfboard


Set a Sail on JETFLY Electric Jetboard/Surfboard When Your Yacht Cruisin...

#jetsurf #jetsurfofficial #jetsurf #jetsurfing #jetsurfgirls #motorizedsurfboard #2stroke #watersports #bornforfun #directfuelinjection #lakelife #summervibes #boardsports #girlscanride #helmets #flyracing #flyhelmets #flyracing #bumpyride   #pwc #jetski #waverunner #wakesurf #jetsurf  #flyracinggear #waterreflection 

Little Kid First Ride on JETFLY Jet Powered Electric Surfboard/Motorized...


Electric Motor Surfboard - The Best Choice for Surfing?

What is a motorised surfboard? It's a board made for fun; you can either ride waves or take a ride in the surf. These boards have a motor that is placed in the keel and operated by a remote control that the surfer wears on his wrist; at the touch of a button, it starts or stops. Motorised surfboards have changed the existing condition that there must be waves to surf, as the motor drives the board and you can ride in the sea while riding it. The engines can be petrol or electric. Some of these electric surfboards use the same technology used for jet skis to generate propulsion. Motorised surfboards can also be used on lakes, rivers or any body of water of medium size or larger. The idea of surfing is to use the athlete's own strength and power to push, paddle and stand up to ride the wave successfully. With the addition of a motor that saves a lot of the work, some would say that the enthusiasm and excitement of traditional surfing is lost. Why buy a surfboard with a motor? Pow...

The Best Gasoline Jet Boards for Surfers in 2022/Surf a Lake With JETFLY...


What is an electric surfboard?

Electric surfboards are opening new ways of exploring the ocean and the waves. Here's everything you should know about the motorized surfboard. We have all seen surfers riding waves on all types of surfboards . There are templates, shapes, and sizes for nearly all small and big waves, clean and bumpy ocean conditions. But what is an electric surfboard, and how does it work? Electric surfboards are specially designed boards powered by lithium-ion batteries that allow riders to glide across any water body at high speeds. They are equipped with an electric jet-propulsion system activated by wireless handheld remote control and don't rely solely on the energy of the waves to gain speed. Electric surfboards are not meant to replace conventional surfboards. Actually, they aim to a broader market, including the boating and high-speed water sports industry. Battery-powered surfboards require a hydrodynamic design capable of embedding boosting mechanisms and technology that propel the d...

Petrol-powered Surfboards/Jetboard with petrol engine/ gasoline Jetboard...


JETFLY surfing club on shenzhen airport 深圳机场码头极克冲浪俱乐部


E-Surf Moto Surfing-Best choice for Work Team Building Activities/Corpor...


7 Years Cool Kids Riding JETFLY electric jetboard for the first time/Lea...


Electric-Powered Board Takes Your Surfing Without Having To Wait For The Waves

 Surfers know that it gets no better than carving the perfect wave when out surfing. In order for this to happen though, there are a few requirements and essentials. That is a board, some courage and skills, and obviously some waves. But, not all beaches around the world will provide the height of waves that are needed for surf boarding and this is exactly what JETFLY is looking to solve. Recently JETFLY launched a new model electric surfboard JF02 that drops the most basic prerequisite for surfing: the waves. Powered by a 6500-Watt electric motor, the Electric Jet Board allows surfing on waveless water in a considerable speed without the surfer having to set foot on the beach. While waves are thrown out of the equation for surfboarding with the Electric Jet, water and skills remain as requisites. The electric board is controlled by a wireless remote that allows the controlling of its speed to your liking. There are two different models of the board that is available for order. The...

What is electric surfing/motosurfing?

 What is electric surfing? Do you want to do surfing and glide over the sea without the necessity of waves? Electric surfing or electric jetboard is a water activity in which you move over the water on a surf powered by electric motor. With a wireless handheld remote control you decide the speed you want to go on. Cruise along flat waters and enjoy the endless season of surfing. Discover the unique experience of electric surfing in Rivers Lakes Seas! Adventure activities in a group Do you want to break with the everyday routine and have some fun? Electric surfing is perfect for it. You can enjoy it alone or in a group for couples, friends, and family or even as an activity of team building with your workmates. Trying electric surfing will be an unforgettable experience you will want to repeat. We are waiting for you!

What is motosurfing?

 What is motosurfing? Motosurfing is a new and promising activity, providing the opportunity to do sports at any time. You can ride and outrace sea waves or rush across an expanse of a lake. This experience will be exciting. Wherever the water is, the surfboard will help you make your dreams come true. Motosurfing is the incarnation of freedom and motion, and any kind of water body is good enough to be your surf spot. Today, manufacturers all over the world use the most advanced technologies to design motorized surfboards. In these sports, you don't need a boat or a hoister. It doesn't depent on waves, wind, and streams either. Surfing fans can enjoy the speed and drive regardless of weather conditions. Motorized surfboards are technology-enabled. First, there was only a sea scooter power board on the market. This company brand doesn't exist anymore, but new brands are here: Jetfly,Lampuga, Onean, Radinn, Waterwolf, Curf, E-Foil, Lift Foil, gasoline-powered surfboards - Jet...

JETFLY Electric Surfboards/Jet Powered Surfboard

  Brief Introduction - Jet Powered Surfboard What is an electric surfboard? What is an electric surfboard, and how does it work? Electric surfboards are specially designed boards powered by lithium ion battery that allow riders to glide across any water body at high speeds. A built-in lithium battery provides the motor with kinetic energy for approximately 1 hour. Originally designed for recreational use, the surfboard quickly gained traction with rescue teams and lifeguards as a low-cost, lightweight watercraft that is more convenient than boats and jetboards for rescue purposes. Electric surfboards are opening new ways of exploring the ocean and the waves. Here's everything you should know about the motorized surfboard. At the same time, electric surfboards must be ergonomically designed, with comfortable foot ropes, seat belts, non-slip pads, and foot covers. Some surfboards also have built-in storage space for surfers to carry items. Electric surfboards are not meant to replace...